
Name Topic / Area Affiliation Achivements
Venediktov Roman GADTs and existentials in Kotlin CUB  
Ipatov Mark Internal and external param names in Kotlin CUB  
Ivlev Nikita Compounds in Kotlin CUB  
Oleg Makeev Comprehensions in Kotlin CUB  
Sheremetov Egor Lama GC CUB  
Savelev Artem Lama lsp-server TUM  


Name Type Topic Year Affiliation Other
Venediktov Roman Bachelor thesis Implementation of the Set-Theoretic Types for Polymorphic Variants in OCaml
2023 Constructor University (CUB)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Sheremetov Egor Bachelor thesis Lama memory manager development
2023 Constructor University (CUB)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Assylkhanova Aigerim Bachelor thesis miniKanren efficient search parallelization
2023 Constructor University (CUB)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Savelev Artem Internship Lama lsp-server 2023 Constructor University (CUB)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Kudriavtsev Fedor Bachelor thesis Compiling Lama to LLVM bytecode
2023 Constructor University (CUB)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Turov Vladimir Bachelor thesis Minikanren Visualizer
2023 Constructor University (CUB)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Nikita Mishin Master thesis Эффективные параллельные алгоритмы сравнения строк
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for String Comparison
(slides, source code)
2022 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
ICPP’21, Efficient Parallel Algorithms for String Comparison
  Bachelor thesis Реализация и применение строковых алгоритмов к задаче поиска повторов в документации программного обеспечения
Implementation and application of string algorithms to the clone finding problem in software documentation
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code)
2020 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
  Course work Интеграция инструментов разработки для языка Vyper в Intelij Platform
Integration of development tools for the Vyper language into the Intelij Platform
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review)
2019 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SEIM’19, Survey on Blockchain Technology, Consensus Algorithms, and Alternative Distributed Technologies
Alexei Tyurin Master thesis Экспериментальное исследование применимости дистилляции и специализированного аппаратного обеспечения для обработки разреженных данных
An empirical study of sparse data processing using distillation and specialized hardware
(text (EN))
2022 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
ICFP’21 Poster (poster, text)
  Bachelor thesis Экспериментальное исследование специализатора GPGPU-программ AnyDSL
Experimental study of the AnyDSL GPGPU software specialization
(text (EN), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code)
2020 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
PPoPP’20, Optimizing GPU programs by partial evaluation
  Course work Комплексная поддержка синтаксиса языка Vyper в IntelliJ Platform
Comprehensive Vyper’s language syntax support in the IntelliJ Platform
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review)
2019 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SYRCoSE’19, Survey of Smart Contract Safety and Programming Languages
Ekaterina Vinnik Master thesis Реализация дистиллятора для простого функционального языка на Haskell
Implementation of Distiller for Model Language in Haskell
(text (RU), review-1, review-2, slides)
2022 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
Kasimov Vladislav Course work
Поддержка плагина для языка Vyper в IntelliJ Platform
Vyper IntelliJ Platform Plugin Support
(text (RU), review, slides)
2022 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
Loktev Sergey Course work
Поддержка плагина для языка Vyper в IntelliJ Platform
Vyper IntelliJ Platform Plugin Support
(text (RU), review, slides)
2022 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
Alexey Trilis Bachelor thesis Переоснащение неявных модулей для языка 1ML
Retrofitting implicit modules for 1ML
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review)
2021 HSE  
  Semester work Active patterns in OCaml 2021 Master student, HSE  
Ivan Tyulyandin Master thesis Исследование применимости специализации алгоритма Витерби скрытой марковской моделью
Viterbi algorithm specialization with hidden Markov model
(text (RU), review)
2021 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SEIM’21, Viterbi Algorithm Specialization Using Linear Algebra
  Bachelor thesis Проектирование и реализация среды исполнения смарт-контрактов для блокчейна Hyperledger Iroha
Design and implementation of smart contracts execution environment for Hyperledger Iroha blockchain
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review)
2019 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SYRCoSE’19, Survey of Smart Contract Safety and Programming Languages
Ilya Balashov Bachelor thesis Исследование применимости специализации при разработке библиотеки линейной алгебры
Effectiveness of partial evaluation of linear algebra-based algorithms
(text (RU), slides, reviewer review, supervisor review)
2021 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SYRCoSE’21, Empirical Study of Partial Evaluation of Matrix and String Algorithms
  Course work Комплексное исследование эффективности методов программной специализации для графических процессоров
A Comprehensive Study of the Effectiveness of Software Specialization Methods for GPUs
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code)
2020 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
Terekhov Arseniy Bachelor thesis Разработка матричного алгоритма поиска путей с контекстно-свободными ограничениями для RedisGraph
Development of matrix-based context-free path querying algorithm for RedisGraph
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code)
2020 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
Alexei Fefelov Course work Разработка прототипа блокчейн-системы с динамически задаваемыми ограничениями на смарт-контракты
Development of a prototype blockchain system with dynamically set constraints on smart contracts
(text (RU), slides, supervisor review)
2019 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SEIM’19, Survey on Blockchain Technology, Consensus Algorithms, and Alternative Distributed Technologies
Evgenii Moiseenko Bachelor thesis Библиотека параллельной сборки мусора для С++
Parallel garbage collection library for C++
(text (RU), supervisor review)
2016 Faculty of mathematics
and mechanics, SPbSU
SEIM’16, Incremental Garbage Collection Library for C++* (in Russian)