Name | Topic / Area | Affiliation | Achivements |
Venediktov Roman | GADTs and existentials in Kotlin | CUB | |
Ipatov Mark | Internal and external param names in Kotlin | CUB | |
Ivlev Nikita | Compounds in Kotlin | CUB | |
Oleg Makeev | Comprehensions in Kotlin | CUB | |
Sheremetov Egor | Lama GC | CUB | |
Savelev Artem | Lama lsp-server | TUM | |
Name | Type | Topic | Year | Affiliation | Other |
Venediktov Roman | Bachelor thesis | Implementation of the Set-Theoretic Types for Polymorphic Variants in OCaml (text) |
2023 | Constructor University (CUB) School of Computer Science and Engineering |
Sheremetov Egor | Bachelor thesis | Lama memory manager development (text) |
2023 | Constructor University (CUB) School of Computer Science and Engineering |
Assylkhanova Aigerim | Bachelor thesis | miniKanren efficient search parallelization (text) |
2023 | Constructor University (CUB) School of Computer Science and Engineering |
Savelev Artem | Internship | Lama lsp-server | 2023 | Constructor University (CUB) School of Computer Science and Engineering |
Kudriavtsev Fedor | Bachelor thesis | Compiling Lama to LLVM bytecode (text) |
2023 | Constructor University (CUB) School of Computer Science and Engineering |
Turov Vladimir | Bachelor thesis | Minikanren Visualizer (text) |
2023 | Constructor University (CUB) School of Computer Science and Engineering |
Nikita Mishin | Master thesis | Эффективные параллельные алгоритмы сравнения строк Efficient Parallel Algorithms for String Comparison (slides, source code) |
2022 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
ICPP’21, Efficient Parallel Algorithms for String Comparison |
Bachelor thesis | Реализация и применение строковых алгоритмов к задаче поиска повторов в документации программного обеспечения Implementation and application of string algorithms to the clone finding problem in software documentation (text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code) |
2020 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
Course work | Интеграция инструментов разработки для языка Vyper в Intelij Platform Integration of development tools for the Vyper language into the Intelij Platform (text (RU), slides, supervisor review) |
2019 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SEIM’19, Survey on Blockchain Technology, Consensus Algorithms, and Alternative Distributed Technologies | |
Alexei Tyurin | Master thesis | Экспериментальное исследование применимости дистилляции и специализированного аппаратного обеспечения для обработки разреженных данных An empirical study of sparse data processing using distillation and specialized hardware (text (EN)) |
2022 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
ICFP’21 Poster (poster, text) |
Bachelor thesis | Экспериментальное исследование специализатора GPGPU-программ AnyDSL Experimental study of the AnyDSL GPGPU software specialization (text (EN), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code) |
2020 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
PPoPP’20, Optimizing GPU programs by partial evaluation | |
Course work | Комплексная поддержка синтаксиса языка Vyper в IntelliJ Platform Comprehensive Vyper’s language syntax support in the IntelliJ Platform (text (RU), slides, supervisor review) |
2019 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SYRCoSE’19, Survey of Smart Contract Safety and Programming Languages | |
Ekaterina Vinnik | Master thesis | Реализация дистиллятора для простого функционального языка на Haskell Implementation of Distiller for Model Language in Haskell (text (RU), review-1, review-2, slides) |
2022 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
Kasimov Vladislav | Course work (II-year) |
Поддержка плагина для языка Vyper в IntelliJ Platform Vyper IntelliJ Platform Plugin Support (text (RU), review, slides) |
2022 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
Loktev Sergey | Course work (II-year) |
Поддержка плагина для языка Vyper в IntelliJ Platform Vyper IntelliJ Platform Plugin Support (text (RU), review, slides) |
2022 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
Alexey Trilis | Bachelor thesis | Переоснащение неявных модулей для языка 1ML Retrofitting implicit modules for 1ML (text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review) |
2021 | HSE | |
Semester work | Active patterns in OCaml | 2021 | Master student, HSE | ||
Ivan Tyulyandin | Master thesis | Исследование применимости специализации алгоритма Витерби скрытой марковской моделью Viterbi algorithm specialization with hidden Markov model (text (RU), review) |
2021 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SEIM’21, Viterbi Algorithm Specialization Using Linear Algebra |
Bachelor thesis | Проектирование и реализация среды исполнения смарт-контрактов для блокчейна Hyperledger Iroha Design and implementation of smart contracts execution environment for Hyperledger Iroha blockchain (text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review) |
2019 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SYRCoSE’19, Survey of Smart Contract Safety and Programming Languages | |
Ilya Balashov | Bachelor thesis | Исследование применимости специализации при разработке библиотеки линейной алгебры Effectiveness of partial evaluation of linear algebra-based algorithms (text (RU), slides, reviewer review, supervisor review) |
2021 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SYRCoSE’21, Empirical Study of Partial Evaluation of Matrix and String Algorithms |
Course work | Комплексное исследование эффективности методов программной специализации для графических процессоров A Comprehensive Study of the Effectiveness of Software Specialization Methods for GPUs (text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code) |
2020 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
Terekhov Arseniy | Bachelor thesis | Разработка матричного алгоритма поиска путей с контекстно-свободными ограничениями для RedisGraph Development of matrix-based context-free path querying algorithm for RedisGraph (text (RU), slides, supervisor review, reviewer review, source code) |
2020 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
Alexei Fefelov | Course work | Разработка прототипа блокчейн-системы с динамически задаваемыми ограничениями на смарт-контракты Development of a prototype blockchain system with dynamically set constraints on smart contracts (text (RU), slides, supervisor review) |
2019 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SEIM’19, Survey on Blockchain Technology, Consensus Algorithms, and Alternative Distributed Technologies |
Evgenii Moiseenko | Bachelor thesis | Библиотека параллельной сборки мусора для С++ Parallel garbage collection library for C++ (text (RU), supervisor review) |
2016 | Faculty of mathematics and mechanics, SPbSU |
SEIM’16, Incremental Garbage Collection Library for C++* (in Russian) |